Apex on site


Join us on a site visit to Apex Tower during construction.

At Apex Tower sectional completion 2 of 5 has been delivered. This is the rear extension which houses the end of trip commuter facilities providing shower and change facilities for building occupants. A key enhancement to encourage sustainable travel to work

Existing façade of the car park entrance.

The next two sectional completions are the new lifts and refurbished CAT-A office floors for the end of August. Once completed the office floors will provide flexible and adaptable office space. The design concept is to expose the existing structure and carefully detail interfaces between it and the new exposed services.

Existing façade of Apex Tower.
“A great find on this project was the existing waffle like floor slabs which are in impeccable condition having been covered up by its original 1960's mineral fibre ceiling tiles, its now great to expose the original craftsmanship for everyone to see and enjoy. - Gavin Toner”
Gavin Toner, Senior Associate
Site works at Level 14.
The core and feature elements of Level 14.
Meeting room works at Level 14.
Strip out works.
“Apex Tower has presented a number of construction challenges as a result of working with an existing building as well as keeping the building fully functioning for the continued use of the tenants. - Dominic Dickens”
Dominic Dickens, Project Architect

About the project

Apex Tower is a 15 storey concrete framed office building built in the 1960s, situated in close proximity to New Malden railway station. At ground level Apex Tower accommodates 5 retail units and the office reception.

The existing office building does not currently have an impressive street presence, with a small projecting entrance porch and overhanging aluminium canopy. The office entrance is underwhelming and lacks visibility despite a large canopy projection over the public highway.

The proposal seeks to refurbish the existing office accommodation, increase the prominence of the office entrance and to provide enhanced building facilities for tenants, visitors, commuters and building management.

Proposed entrance.
Proposed reception area.
Proposed typical office floor.

The client proposes to refurbish the building, updating interiors and exteriors to maximise the buildings inherent potential.  The proposals include:

  • A change of use application for one A1 unit to B1 to allow for an enlarged office reception space;
  • New reception entrance canopy frame to enhance building prominence at street level;
  • New rear extension to house new shower facilities;
  • Refurbished office floors;
  • Removal of external planter, tree, phone box and lamp post to improve the accessible approach to the re-positioned reception entrance;
  • New and increased quantity cycle racks;
  • Improved accessible parking within Apex Tower car park;
  • 3 New electric car charging points within the Multi-storey car park;
  • Enhanced building management facilities such as dedicated security and post rooms.

The proposed works to this building and surrounding landscape seeks to positively contribute to New Malden town by creating high quality, sustainable and inclusive architecture.

Office floor at Level 14.
Enclosed meeting room at Level 14.

The proposal incorporates a communal area on Level 15 (top of the building), where various zones are proposed adequate to different modes of work, such as Social Zone, Meeting Zone, Collaboration Zone, Wellness/Sports zone and Quiet Zone.

Social Zone at Level 15.
Collaboration Zone.
Quiet Zone with private booths allowing to concentrate when working.
Proposed meeting room/Wellness/Sports Zone.